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Dr. King Biography

Dr. King Biography

Dr. King Biography




  • phone: 02077904405
  • email: john.king27@virgin.net


The London Independent Hospital

Beaumont Square

London E1 4NL


Ex Senior Lecturer in Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery to the St Bartholomew,s and the Royal London Hospital School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary College (1976-2001) and Honorary Consultant in Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery to the Royal London Hospital.


Honorary Senior Lecturer (Recent Director), The Academic Department of Sports Medicine (now the Centre of Sport and Exercise Medicine CSEM), St Bartholomew,s and the Royal London Hospital School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary College.


One time Chairman of the British Association of Sports and Medicine.


Chairman  Research and Program Committee, BASEM


Past Examiner in Sports Medicine, The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London


One time External adviser to the Bath Distance Learning Course for Doctors in Sports Medicine


Honorary Consultant to the Sports Clinic, The Royal London Hospital.


One time Member of the LINK Program Medical Committee in Biomedical Materials (DTI)


Academic Associate, The University of London Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Biomedical Materials QM

One time Board Member, The National Sports Medicine Institute.




  • The Robert Milne Prize in Orthopaedic and Related Subjects. (LHMC) 1977
  • The British Orthopaedic Association European Travelling Fellow, 1977
  • Elected Fellow of the Institute of Sports Medicine 2001
  • Sir Roger Bannister Medal for Lifetime Services to Sports and Exercise Medicine 2007



More than 100 papers and articles; Editor of three books and contributor to many others; invited speaker in America Europe and Australasia.


I was appointed Senior Lecturer In Orthopaedics and Trauma with Honorary Consultant status in 1977, to both the London Hospital as it then was and to Newham Health District. The Sports Medicine Diploma started in 1981; the College then created an Academic Department of Sports Medicine of which I was Director until 2001 and remain an Honorary Lecturer within that department since partial retirement.


Over that time my involvement became to a large extent Injury and Sports Injury. The Sports Medicine course became demanding of time. Initially it was a Diploma of the London Hospital Medical College. When the College established an Academic Department I then got the Diploma accepted as a University of London Diploma (at a time when there was the specialty of Sports Medicine was regarded with less enthusiasm than even now). Some years later I got University to accept an MSc.


I was a founder member of the British Association for the Surgery of the Knee (BASK) and hosted some of the early meetings at the London. I joined the International Knee Society and served on committees; it amalgamated with the Arthroscopy Society to form the International Society of Arthroscopy Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS). I served on the Education Sub-committee and was pleased the Royal London was recognised as an International Training Centre.


I was invited to put my name forward for election to the Chairmanship of BASM (the British Association of Sports and Medicine) and was elected, during which time I re-wrote the constitution to put the organisation on a modern footing. During this time we were able to sell the Journal to BMJ.


I served on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery for a full term; I was also on the editorial board of Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research and I continue to review for the British journal of Sports Medicine.


My early academic interest was in bone healing and was invited by the University of Pennsylvania to a meeting looking at the stimulation of bone healing by mimicking the electrical potentials naturally occurring in stressed or healing bone. I became the only UK participant in a multicentre trail of the technique. In 1981 I was invited by the CRM/CREST scientific committee of the EU to host a meeting in London to evaluate the potential for the acceleration of normal bone healing through similar methods, which  led to the COMAC_BME study group funded by the EU to look at assessment of the end point of bone healing, of which I was part for eight years. We published the only randomised, controlled , double blind trial in the electrical stimulation of non-union.


There were parallels to these responses in soft tissue and I supervised and funded the M Phil by Dr S N Al-Sarraj comparing the tissue response to Carbon Fibre and High Density Polyethylene in knee ligament injury (UL 1988). This work eventually led to the research program ”A Novel Anterior Cruciate Ligament Substitute” funded (£540000) by Smith and Nephew, the EPSRC and the DTI under the auspices of the LINK Bio-Medical Materials government initiative. The partners were the Medical College, the IRC in Bio-medical materials at QMW (as it was) and Smith and Nephew. This work produced three PhDs. It also led to me being invited onto the LINK Bio-Medical Materials Program subcommittee. We evaluated new applications under that head and then monitored the progress of funded programs. The usual endpoint was the integration of the research with development in SMEs (Small to Medium Enterprises).


Over that time I supervised M Phil and PhDs along with very many MSc projects. I have examined PhDs for Imperial College and UL, MD for Aberdeen and MCH Orth for Aberdeen plus the Sports Medicine Diplomas for the Apothecaries. I have lectured extensively during that time but highlights have been an instructor on the Oceania Olympic Committee educational program and invited to be the guest lecturer for the Australian Knee Society at their combined meeting in New Zealand, when I also gave invited papers to their combined Orthopaedic Associations meeting in 2001. I gave two of the only five podium papers(out of 216) from the UK at the last ISAKOS meeting in Auckland 2003.


Clubs and Societies

  • The Athenaeum
  • British Association for Surgery of the Knee ( Founder Member)
  • British Medical Association
  • Royal Society of Medicine. One time Board member Section of Sports Medicine
  • British Orthopaedic Association. Served on the Editorial Board and the subcommittee; The Provision of Trauma Services in the UK
  • International Society of Arthroscopy Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS). Education sub-committee 1996 -1999
  • European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA). Nominating committe


1.       Impotence after fractures of the Pelvis. King J.B. J.B.J.S. 57-A 1975

2.       Lateral Retinacular Release for Chondromalacia Patellae  Chen C., Helal B., King JB, Roper B., Rheumatologie, 2 1976

3.       Surgical Treatment of Equinovarus deformity in Adults with Spasticity  Roper B., King JB, Williams A., J.B.J.S. 60-B 1978

4.       Acute rupture of the Pericardium with delayed dislocation of the Heart, King JB, Sapsford RN., Injury 9(4) :303-6 1978

5.        Urethral Injury and Fractured Pelvis, Glass R., Flynn J.,King JB Blandy J., B.J.Urol 50 1978

6.       Incidence of Pain in the Rheumatoid Hindfoot and significance of Calcaneo-Fibular Impingement, King JB,  Burke D,  Freeman M., International Orthopaedics (Sicot) 2 1978

7.       Myositis Ossificans following Total Knee replacement, King JB, Booth C. Arch. Orthop. Traumat. Surg. 93 1979

8.       The Day Frame, King JB Proceedings 7th International Conference on External Fixation, Montpelier 1980

9.       Long Term Results of Lateral Retinucular Release, 1981 Grange W, King JB, Proc SICOT XV World Congress   234

10.    The Clinical Assessment of Bone Healing. In the Proc CRM/CREST 1981. “Clinical and Technical evaluation of Physical methods of Fracture healing. Ed King JB

11.    ” A Consultants View” in Personal Injury Claims, King J.B. College of Law Lectures,1981

12.    Financing a Sports Injuries Service. King J.B., B.J. of Sports Medicine 15-1 1981

13.    An Unusual Sequel of Growth Plate Injury King J.B., Med. Sci. Law 21-3 1981

14.    A simple Measure to Reduce and Hold a Depressed Fracture of the Calcaneun,King JB, Hammer A. Arch.Orthop. Traumat. Surg. 100 1982

15.    Head and Facial Injuries after Low Speed Motor-Cycle Accidents. Cannell H.,King JB, Winch R., B.J.Oral Surg. 20 1982

16.    A review of the Day Frame as External Fixation for Trauma,  Day W.,King JB, Chapter in Current Concepts in the External Fixation of Fractures Ed. H.Uhtoff  , Springer Verlag 1982

17.    Introduction and General Principles of Fractures. King J.B., B.J.Hosp Med Oct 82 p417

18.    Fractures of the Upper Limb. King J.B., B.J.Hosp Med Nov 82 p506

19.    Fractures of the Upper Limb. King J.B., B.J.Hosp Med Dec 82 p609

20.    An early method of confirming scaphoid fracture King JB, Turnbull T J. JBJS, 64B 250 ,1982

21.    The Axial Skeleton. King J.B., B.J.Hosp Med Jan 83 p53

22.    Fractures of the Lower Limb. King J.B., B.J.Hosp Med Feb 83 p178

23.    Fractures of the Lower Limb. King J.B., B.J.Hosp Med Mar 83 p267

24.    Second Injury Syndrome, King J.B., B.J. of Sports Medicine, 17, 1 1983

25.    The Day Frame. Freeman M. and Day W.,and King JB, in The Severely injured Limb, Ed Ackroyd C, O’Conner B, de Bruyn, Churchill Livingstone 1983

26.    Irrigating Fluid in Arthroscopy JBK, Bulstrode C. and Revell P., Lancet Jan 21 1984

27.    Continuous Irrigation in Arthroscopy “Arthroscopy Clews” 1984 Bulstrode C, King JB 3  10

28.    The Injured Knee. Its nature cause and consequences. King JB  Med.Sci.Law. (1984) Vol 24 p. 243

29.    Peripheral reconstruction for Anterior Cruciate Loss, in Knee Ligament Injuries and their Management. King J.B., Ed. D Jenkins, Chapman and Hall 1985

30.    Extra articular Carbon Fibre for anterolateral instability. King JB, Bulstrode C., Clin Orthop and Rel Res, 196 June 1985 p139

31.    Posterolateral Instability of the Knee. King JB, Sudlow R, Bulstrode C., J.B.J.S. 67B no 1. page 157 1985

32.    A simple method for closing fasciotomies. Bulstrode C., KIng JB, Worpole R., Ham R. Ann R.C.S., 67 no2 85, p 119 1985

33.    Extra-articular Carbon Fibre at the Knee.King JB,  Bulstrode C., J.B.J.S. 67B no1. page 156 1985

34.    Electrical stimulation of Non-union. Symposium, King JB Contemporary Orthopaedics. 11;3;1985

35.    The “Butterfly Back” syndrome. Cameron J. Goode A. King JB Amateur Swimming Association Sept 1985

36.    The Thigh, King JB, Sports Injuries Ed. Helal B, Grange W, King JB, Chapman and Hall,1986

37.    The Knee, King JB, Sports Injuries Ed. Helal B, Grange W, King JB, Chapman and Hall,1986

38.    The Leg, King JB, Sports Injuries Ed. Helal B, Grange W, King JB, Chapman and Hall,1986

39.    What happens to wilds animals with broken bones Bulstrode C, King J, Roper B  Lancet Jan 1986 29-31

40.    Stiffness variation in semi-rigid plate fixation. King JB Clinical Materials 1, 221-224, 1986

41.    Sports Medicine. King JB  Editorial  Journal of Roy Soc Med 79, 441-442, 1986

42.    Use of low viscosity cement in unstable femoral fractures. King JB Proc International Symposium ( Kirby Warwick )  Nov 1986

43.    The Training of a Sports Doctor. King JB  Excel Vol 4 No2 Dec 1987

44.    Introduction, Sports Injury Clinic. King JB Pelham Press, London 1987

45.    Treatment of the Torn Anterior Cruciate, King JB,  Aitkin M, Sports Medicine Vol5 4 1988 203-208

46.    The Locomotor System , King JB Hutchinsons Clinical Methods, Ed Swash and Mason, Bailliere Tindell, 1988

47.    Computed Tomography and Ultrasound imaging of Jumpers Knee-Patellar Tendinitis, Mourad K., King J.B, Guggiana P. Clinical Radiol.  1988  39  162-165

48.    A comparison between the measurement of resonant frequency of the human tibia within and without plaster support.Briggs T,  King JB,Collier RJ. Monitoring of bone condition by vibration testing. Proceedings of the COMAC-BME 11.2.5/6 project meeting Leuven Nov 86 Published 1989

49.    History and Examination  King JB.”The Foot” Ed Helal B and Wilson D,  Churchill Livingstone 1988

50.    Hindfoot Disorders King JB, Levack B .”The Foot” Ed Helal B and Wilson D,  Churchill Livingstone 1988

51.    The Stryker Knee Arthrometer in clinical practice. King JB, Kumar SJ  Am J Sports Med. No 5 Vol17 Oct1989 p649

52.    Objective measurement of stiffness of healing fractures by acoustic resonance scanning. King JB, Mathew G, Collier RJ and Donarski RJ . I Mech E C384/037 1989 127-132

53.    Lesions of the Patella Ligament  KIng JB, DJ Perry, K Mourad SJ Kumar, J Bone Joint Surg 72-B 1990 46-48

54.    Assessment of Bone Fracture Healing by Measuring the Phase of Mechanical Waves at Audio Frequencies. Collier RJ., Donarski RJ., King JB., Matthew G., Glyn-Thomas T.

55.    In “In Vivo Assessment of Bone Quality by Vibration and Wave Propagation Techniques.” King JB Report on COMAC_BME Leuven 1990

56.    Indications for surgery in the Anterior Cruciate Deficient Knee. King JB.1991 Int J. of  Orthopaedic Trauma 1, 138-140

57.    Ultrasound, Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patellar Tendinitis Davies, S.G., Baudouin, C.J., King, J.B. & Perry, J.D. (1991). Clinical Radiology 43, 52-56.

58.    Comparative study of intra-articular pressure dynamics in joints with acute traumatic and chronic inflammatory effusions: potential implications for hypoxic-reperfusion injury. 1991 Merry P, Williams R, Cox N, King JB, Blake DR. Annals of Rheumatic Diseases 50  917-920

59.    Efects of Physical Activity on Some Components of the Skeletal System. Maffulli N, King B J Sports Medicine  1992 13  6  393-407

60.    Sports Medicine Ed King JB  1992 British Medical Bulletin 48 3

61.    Focal Points in Orthopaedics  King JB  1992 Sports Medicine Ed King JB British Medical Bulletin 48 3

62.    Patterns of Meniscal Tears associated with Anterior Cruciate Lesions in athletes  1993 Binfield P, Maffulli N,  King JB. Injury;  24  557 -561 1993

63.    Acute Haemarthrosis of the Knee; a prospective study in athletes. 1993 Maffulli N, Binfield P, King JB,  Good CJ. J Bone Joint Surg (B); 75B 945-949 1993

64.    Isolated ganglion of the anterior cruciate ligament. 1993 Maffulli N, Binfield P, King JB. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. 550-553 1993

65.    Training of young athletes; injuries, flexibility and isometric strength. 1994.  Maffulli N, King JB, Helms P. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 28 2   123-136

66.    The Evolution of Sports Medicine. 1993 King JB. Proceedings of the Hunterian Society.

67.    Soft Tissue Injures. 1993 King JB Leach WJ.  Int Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 3:4-7

68.    Courses in Sports Medicine. 1993 King JB Int J Sports Medicine 5, 2  14-15

69.    Meniscal Tears associated with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficiency in Athletes. 1993 Int Journal of Orthopaedic trauma 3, 3,  122-124.

70.    Posterior reattachment of the torn Anterior Cruciate Ligament. Leach WJ, King JB. JBJS Br 76(1) 159-60

71.    “Cricket”  Thomas Crisp and John B King in Sports Injuries, Ed Fu F H and Stone DA  pub Williams and Wilkins 1994

72.    A prospective, double-blind trial of electrical capacitive coupling in the treatment of non-unions of long bones.1994 Gareth Scott, John King. JBJS Am  74-A 6 820-827

73.    Education in Sports Medicine.  J B King FIMS Bulletin 1994 Vol4 ;1  16-18

74.    ABC of Sports Medicine. Ed Greg McLatchie, Mark Harries, John King, Clyde Williams. BMJ Publishing Group London 1995

75.    Second-look arthroscopy after meniscal repair. King JB. JBJS Br 1995 77(5) 836-7

76.    Lower Limb Injuries in Adolescence and Childhood in Sports Medicine in  Adolescence and Childhood. Ed Nicola Maffulli. Mosby Wolfe 1995

77.    Padhiar,N.,and King,J.B.: An overview of Chronic Compartment
Syndrome : A commonest exercise induced leg pain in young athletes. J.Br.Pod.Med.,50(4): 50-53, 1995.

78.    Treatment of Osteitis Pubis in athletes; results of corticosteroid injections. King JB Am J Sports Med 1996 24(2) 248

79.    Padhiar,N.,and King,J.B.: Exercise induced leg pain-Chronic Compartment Syndrome. Is the increase in intra-compartment pressure exercise specific? Br.J.Sports.Med.,30:360-362, 1996.

80.    Padhiar,N., Bader,D.L., and King,J.B.: A pilot study to identify pathomechanical factors in exercise induced leg pain. J.Br.Pod.Med., 52(1):3-5, 1997.

81.    Crisp,T.A., Padhiar,N.,Barnes,M., Allen,M., and King,J.B.: Compartmental Syndrome of the legs in an underwater hockey player. J.Med.Sci.Sports.Exer., 29(5):S233, 1997.

82.    Ratnayake,L., Padhiar,N., and King,J.B.:  Do orthoses alter hyperpronation at subtalar joint? J.Med.Sci.Sports.Exer., 29(5):S81, 1997.

83.    Post-traumatic ectopic calcification in the muscles of athletes: a review.
Br J Sports Med. 1998 Dec;32(4):287-90. Review

84.    Tendon Problems in athletic individuals. Maffulli N, Binfield P, King JB. J B J S Am 1998 Jan 80(1) 142-4

85.    Padhiar,N.,and King,J.B.: Foot orthoses can change compartmental pressure in the legs. Br.J.Sports.Med.,32(1):89, 1998.

86.    Surgical Decompression of Chronic Central Core Lesions of the Achilles tendon. Maffulli N, Binfield P, Moore D &King JB; Am J Sports Med 27.6. 747-753 1999

87.    Surgical management of tendinopathy of the main body of the patellar tendon in athletes, N. Maffulli, P.M. Binfield, W.J. Leach, J.B. King.. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 9: 58-62, 1999

88.    M. Binfield, N. Maffulli, C.J. Good, J.B. King. Arthroscopy in sporting and sedentary children and adolescents. Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases 59: 125-130, 2000

89.    Patellar Tendinopathy J B King,  Jill Cook, Karim Khan, Nicola Maffulli.  Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review. 8:86-95  2000

90.    Correlates of Knee Laxity Changes in Early Rehabilitation after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. M C Morrissey, Z L Hudson, W I Dreschler, F J Coutts, J B King, T B McAuliffe. Int J Sports Med 2000  21:529-535

91.    Patellar Dislocation and lesions of the patella tendon. King JB Br J Sports Med 2000;34;467-470

92.    83. Effects of open versus closed kinetic chain training on knee laxity in the early period after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Morrissey MC, Hudson ZL, Drechsler WI, Coutts FJ, Knight PR, King JB. Knee Surg Sports Trauma Arthroscopy 8: 343-348, 2000.

93.    84. Open and closed kinetic chain exercises in the early period after ACL reconstruction:  Improvements in level walking, stair ascent and descent. Hooper DM, Morrissey MC, Drechsler WI, Morrissey D, King JB. American Journal of Sports Medicine 29: 167-174, 2001

94.    WJ Leach, N. Maffulli, J.B. King.  Incomplete tears of the anterior cruciate ligament in athletes. European Journal of Sports Traumatology 23: 109-112, 2001

95.    85. Clinical diagnosis of Achilles Tendinopathy with Tendinosis. Maffulli N, Kenward M, Testa V, Capasso G, Regine R, King JB. Clinical Journal of Sorts Med 13:11-15. 2003

96.    86. Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction: A cynical View from the British Isles on the Indications for Surgery. Donald H Johnson, Nicola Maffulli, John B King, K Donald Shelboune. Arthroscopy.19 (2)  2003, 203-9

97.    N. MaffulliI, P.M.Binfield, J.B. King.  Articular cartilage lesions in the symptomatic anterior cruciate ligament deficient knee. Arthroscopy  19: 685-690, 2003

98.    Maffulli N, Testa V, Capasso G. Ewen SW, Benazzo F, King JB. Similar histological patterns in Males with Achilles and Patellar tendinopathy. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2004 Sept;36(9);1470-5

99.    M. Perry, M.C. Morrissey, J.S. Jones, B.Paton, T McAuliffe J.B.King, P.Thomas Number of repetitions to Maximum in Hop Tests in patients with ACL deficiency. Int J Sports Med 26 688-692 2005

100. M.Perry, M.C. Morrissey, J.B.King, D Morrissey, P.Ernshaw, Effect of closed versus open kinetic chain resistance training on knee laxity and leg function in patients 8-14 weeks post ACL reconstruction Knee Surg.Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 13 357-369 2005

101. Maffulli N, Testa V, Capasso G. Oliva F, Sullo A Benazzo F, King JB. Surgery for chronic Achilles Tendinopathy yields worse results in Non-athletic patients. Clin J Sports Med. 2006 mMar;16(2):123-8

102. Chan O, O’Dowd D, Padhiar N, Morrissey D, King J, Jalan R, Maffulli N Crisp T. High Volume image guided injections in chronic Achilles Tendinopathy. Disabil Rehabil. 2008 May 19:1-12

103. Maffulli N, Testa V, Capasso G. Oliva F, Panni AS Longo UG, King JB. Surgery for chronic Achilles Tendinopathy produces worse results in Women. Disabil Rehabil 2008 May 6:1-7

104. Padhiar N,Al-Sayeagh H, Chan O, King J, Maffulli N. Pennation angle of the slues in patients with unilateral Achilles tendinopathy. Disabil Rehabil 2008 May 10:1-6

105. Crisp T,  KhanF, Padhiar N, Morrisset D, Jalan R, Maffulli N, Frer OC. High volume ultrasound guided injections at the interface between the patellar tendon and Hoffa’s body are effective in chronic patellar tendinopathy; a pilot study. . Disabil Rehabil 2008 May 7:1-10

106. Double-bundle arthroscopic reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament: does the evidence add up? J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2008 Aug;90(8)995-9



At meetings and by invitation in America Canada The Netherlands Belgium France Denmark Germany Italy Greece Argentina Brazil Australia New Zealand  Fiji China and the UK