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The aims of the E.C.O.S.E.P Education Committee are:

One of the main scopes of ECOSEP is to advance the competency of sports medicine physicians and the care of their patients by providing continuing education and promoting public health.


The Education Commission of ECOSEP shows this commitment to education in an undertaking of continuous development through:

Proposed Aims and Objectives


  • To promote a greater awareness by ECOSEP of the educational needs of its members.
  • To support national sports and exercise medicine organisations in their attempts to promote the specialty of sports and exercise medicine in their own countries.
  • To inform the College regarding the optimum approaches to continuing professional development of its members, including the provision of update seminars and practice workshops.
  • To provide educational support to relevant organisations, including national and European sports governing bodies and coaching representatives.
  • To promote greater awareness of the evidence base underlying sports medicine practice.
  • To disseminate relevant literature updates (in the manner of a Journal Watch) to ECOSEP members, perhaps in the form of a newsletter or e-update.
  • To circulate the British Journal of Sports Medicine to ECOSEP members and to encourage contribution of original articles to the publication.
  • To aspire towards the ultimate creation of a European Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine with a strong research focus.
  • To support the trans-European introduction of sports and exercise medicine into undergraduate medical curricula.
  • To consider the use of standardised special study modules as a vehicle for exposing medical undergraduates to the specialty.
  • To invite medical students with an early interest in sports and exercise medicine to become associate members of ECOSEP.
  • To facilitate student associate members who wish to become active in sports medicine research by providing a forum for their research efforts at the ECOSEP scientific congress.
  • To advise the organising committee of the ECOSEP scientific congress so as to ensure that the congress reflects the College’s educational mission.
  • To ensure that the College’s website http://www.ecosep.eu/becomes a vibrant platform for the active exchange of information between its members by providing regular updates from the sports medicine literature, consensus practice guidelines, useful links to other websites and a member’s blog.

Dr Nikos Malliaropoulos


  • MD, Msc in SEM, Phd.FFIMS, F.FSEM (UK)
  • Chair Education Committee
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Dr Zafar Iqbal


ECOSEP Education Committee

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Dr Javier Valle López


MD- Chair . ECOSEP

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